Kim’s Book Shelf: April Book Review
April is coming to a close…so here we review again!!
The Servant by James C. Hunter
The Servant was a fabulous book!!! I highly…highly…HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone who feels called to leadership OR currently in a leadership role and you’re looking to develop your skills. The author makes a distinction between management and leadership. Those who are managers may very well not be good leaders while those who are leaders may very well not be good managers. I personally like the fact that the book had Christian undertones…I actually would say it was more than Christian undertones being that one of the main characters was a monk LOL! But it definitely dives into how Jesus Christ was a fabulous leader and refers to him as the BEST leader. Leadership has less to do with the different tasks that you can successfully complete but more with your influence & authority that you possess. He also points out that it’s a skill that can be developed! I give this book a five out of five stars. This is a book that you should keep in your own personal library. I have a feeling that I am going to read this book over and over again!
BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert
The second book, completed in April was BIG MAGIC by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book was a rather good book. My only drawback was that I felt like it was redundant at times and it could’ve been a much shorter book than what it was. But all in all, I do believe that this was a good book and a good inspirational book at that. I have to be honest though…I’m going to have to switch up the types of books that I’m reading and try different genres because they’re starting to run together for me. So just so you know, next month will be different because these inspirational books all have the same undertones. Now me saying that takes nothing away from this book. It is a good book! She make some great points. What I took from the book was to really live a life that allows creativity to flow. It’s not encouraging you to leave your full-time job or to chase after money but to find the things in your life that bring you joy. It could be painting, writing, sewing…really whatever BUT do it and do it without knowing if you will get anything in return. One of the points that she really drove home was you do not need permission to have your interests and that might mean that people may not understand why you do what you do. They may even be put off. I appreciated the book because it was a breath of fresh air. She made it very clear that this was not a self-help book in a way of how to gain more money or how to have a better life… it’s really whatever you desire is already in your possession. I like that point because that is a theme that I’m seeing with a lot of self-help books. They feed a narrative that we as people need to find something or someone to be complete. In reality, we are searching for something that we already possess! You just have to make the decision to cultivate what’s already innately you.
Well guys, that’s all I got. What are you all reading this month? I think I am going toward fiction next month. What do you suggest? If you are interested in reading about my past book shelf reviews, I’ll link them below: