Kim’s Bookshelf: July/August Book Reviews

As I stated in my previous blog post, we took the summer off from blogging to really focus on summer fun with our family. We did continue to record podcast episodes and film videos for our YouTube channel but our blog was on a brief hiatus. As I was looking back over our past blog posts, the last book review was for May. To be quite honest, I didn’t get to read as much over the summer for a couple reasons: 1) I was uber busy with lots of travel and summer activities and 2) I also completed a professional course that required a lot of reading so that’s where a lot of my reading time went.

But I am back at it and I have a couple of books that I want to review so let’s get started…

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  1. Running On Empty by Heather Lindsey

    I’ve been following Heather Lindsey’s ministry for a couple years now but this is my first book that I have read of hers. I have considered purchasing past books of hers but I rely heavily on reviews when it comes to purchases especially books. I’m just picky like that. Once I read the reviews over her books, I was always turned off from purchasing. Now, the reason why I decided to get this book, if I’m being quite honest, was because I had a free audible credit and I was able to get the book for free. The title, Running On Empty, intrigued me because as a wife and a mother of two that works full-time, it’s a NO BRAINER that I would be interested in tips to help me NOT to run on empty. I have often admired that Heather Lindsey, also a wife and a mother, has a full time ministry and multiple businesses and seems to have good systems in place. Clearly, I was interested in seeing how she manages it all. When I started listening to the book I will say that she narrates well. I tend to like books that are narrated by the author because only the author knows the feeling behind the book…because it’s their book LOL! Now to get into the actual review of the book… out of five stars, I would give it a three and here’s why: if you are a person who follows Heather Lindsey on social media and YouTube, you know everything that she’s about to say in this book. This is the reason why I had not purchased her books previously because I had read several reviews that said this very thing…her books were basically a regurgitation of her YouTube channel and her social media and I would have to 100% agree. I did not learn anything new and I personally am happy that I did not spend any money on the book. Now if you are a person who DOES NOT follow her on those other outlets, then you will get some insight. For me, the end of the book was probably the most beneficial because she talks about how she is able to travel for free or almost free. She gives GREAT ideas for how one can generate extra money to alleviate stress in other areas. For example, selling your gently used clothes on Ebay or Poshmark and using the money to pay for a nanny or cleaning lady. This ultimately will allow you to have more time to devote to more priority things. Like I said… not a bad book but you already know what she is going to say if you follow her on Instagram and YouTube.

  2. Building A Story Brand by Donald Miller

    Now this book (also listened to as an audiobook) I’ll actually plan to go and purchase the physical book and read this book again. This book gets a 5 out of 5 stars. This book had so much meat in it that listening to it does not do it justice. Early on in the read, I knew that I should’ve gotten the physical book so I could highlight and write notes. Definitely a book I will be referring back to in the future. This book is for the person who is trying to set up a business and you’re trying to nail down your brand story. The author walks you through how you can do that step-by-step. He’s very meticulous at helping you answer basic questions about your business while looking forward at the big picture. The book is full of resources and by just purchasing the book you have access to free content on his website where you can print off the charts and timelines… just a lot of printables and resources that can help you with your business years to come. I highly suggest this for the person who is starting a business, ministry, or anything where you would like to have a brand attached to it.


Alright guys…that’s all I got!!! Be on the look out because I have some phenomenal books on the horizon that I am EXCITED to share with you!!! Until then, catch ya later!!!